Monday, August 20, 2007

Cute little girls!

I am so behind on posting sneak previews.. I am so sorry for those that I have missed. I had some really fun sessions Saturday and today with 2 different families with girls! Peighton & Drew (first picture shown above) came Saturday and we got some really sweet sister shots and their mom dressed them beautifully. I am on a hunt for the dresses they are wearing for Sage. Chris & Sarah - you have a gorgeous family and well behaved little girls - it was great to meet you all! I can't wait to do your Christmas portraits.

Next came little *Louci* this morning and she was an angel for sure! Look at those blue eyes - my only complaint was that they had to leave.. I am pretty sure I could have just snapped shots of her all day long. Carrie.. it was a pleasure meeting you and your sweet angel. I know you will LOVE your gallery when it is ready.

Be thinking about Christmas sessions coming up soon! They will start up the first of October and I will be posting soon the custom cards that I will be offering this year.. so check back **I am pretty sure I will be posting a give-a-way sometime next week when I give details for the Christmas sessions!**


Thursday, August 16, 2007

Can she be old enough?

I guess she is old enough to go to Kindergarten, but it sure was hard watching her walk down the sidewalk to the Jeep for daddy to take her to school! She and her brothers started school today and it is strangely quiet at home. I will miss the chattering, giggling, pitter patter of footsteps, singing, pool splashes, etc, etc. but I am sure it will all return as they get home from school.
Moms & Dads - embrace those little ones - before you know it, they will be headed out the door to school and a new chapter will begin!


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