Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Contest Winners are....

I know, I know.. I am late on announcing the winners!

The adult winner is :

Troy & Laura Tolle - who just welcomed their first little one just 2 days ago.

Hey Libby,
Thought I'd get my comment in since I am in the market for a baby picture :) So far my summer has been blessed with showers, birthing classes, growth (in the midsection) and exciting kicks :) We are looking forward to our new baby any day now (due date 8/20)! Troy and I love your pictures!

Laura Tolle

The child winner is:

Moriah Lowder

My favorite part about going back to school is doing my papers, because I like that part. I like taking pictures too and can't wait until I can get my own camera.

Moriah Lowder
age 5

Congratulations to you both & thank you to everyone who participated.. it was the highlight of my day to come check my comments.

More portraits coming soon..



Mary said...

Good! Lets see some more pictures!!!!! ;)

Laura said...

We are so excited to have our Chase photographed by you!!! We love your work! Every picture that we have seen from our friends that have used you is breathtaking! What a blessing you have given us!
Laura and Troy

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