Friday, November 02, 2007

Blast from the Past

Here are a couple of shots from this session.. I am keeping the best ones hidden so they
can be used as Christmas gifts!
These siblings were great to work with and I had a bit of reality check to as I used to babysit Winston & Savannah when they were babies. I haven't seen them in many years and could not believe how much they have grown up. It was fun to share stories with them - for example.. one day I walked in and Winston(2) was holding a huge container of Baby Powder over Savannah's(1) head and just pouring it out over her. All I could see was her big eyes.. she thought it was great fun!
It was great to see you all... Winston, Savannah, Scarlett & Sophie.


Anonymous said...

Wow! It is hard to believe that Winston and Savannah are so grown up! What a beautiful family. They all have those absolutely captivating eyes! Great pictures, Libby. I can't imagine that there are some that are even better.

Anonymous said...

How could parents choose from such wonderful pictures. It will be fun for them to try to narrow the field to "favorites". Amazing photography - amazingly beautiful children!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Libby!
WOW...we are blown away! Can't wait to see the rest! My ony regret is that your photography career wasn't underway when you were babysitting! Thanks for a very easy, pleasant experience. Hugs to Tim and the kiddos...

Debbie McCoy said...

Hi Libby,

These pictures are so did a wonderful job of capturing their personalities! The Lord has surely blessd you with an incredible talent. Winston, Savannah, Scarlett, and Sophia are like "our very own"...we have been in their life since they were born. It will be really hard to choose which ones we want.

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