One of the many benefits of being a photographer is meeting wonderful people and this family was no exception.. they were wonderful and tons of fun. I am tempted to put more of their session on here, but I have to give them something to look forward to.
Bob & Tracy it was a pleasure meeting you and working with your family- your girls are amazingly well behaved & well mannered - what wonderful parents you are.
Tracy - you are and will continue to be in our prayers!
I can't believe that Holiday sessions are winding down and I am almost finished for the year. Where has 2007 gone?
I am completely BOOKED for the rest of the year and looking forward to having
some family days off in December.
I have NEW BACKDROPS coming in January and I am already booking
appointments through January.
(keep checking back for details)
Thanks for dinner on Friday! We had a great time. Fabulous pictures of Tracy's family. Thank you for sharing!
Where is the contest??? These pictures are fabulous. Thank you for being so passionate about your job.
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